
Similar Distributions

The function similar_distributions is a tool for finding the probability distributions that are most similar to an input distribution. It samples the CDF of an input distribution and then fits all other distributions to those samples to determine the best fitting and therefore most similar distributions.

API Reference

For inputs and outputs see the API reference.

In the example below, we create a Weibull Distribution object using the reliability.Distributions module. We then provide the Weibull Distribution as input to similar_distributions and the output reveals the top 3 most similar distributions. The optional input of include_location_shifted has been set to False.

from reliability.Distributions import Weibull_Distribution
from reliability.Other_functions import similar_distributions
dist = Weibull_Distribution(alpha=50,beta=3.3)

Results from similar_distributions:
The input distribution was:
Weibull Distribution (α=50,β=3.3)

The top 3 most similar distributions are:
Normal Distribution (μ=44.8471,σ=14.9226)
Gamma Distribution (α=5.7607,β=7.785)
Loglogistic Distribution (α=43.465,β=4.7564)